Posts by Backyard Wisdom Paddy Fievet
Your Personal Bill of Rights
A “personal bill of rights” is simply affirmations for living. They, too, are self-evident; however, after emotionally abusive situations, many have been conditioned to forget these rights. It helps to read them daily for an inner empowerment resurfaces as they become ingrained into your personal viewpoint. These are some I have created over the years,…
Read MoreBigger Dreams
According to our cat, Sir George… To get dinner every night, he has to follow a rather specific procedure. At the first sign of tummy growling, he goes through the kitty door at the bottom of the screened porch door. While standing on his hind legs, he boxes continually on the glass kitchen door. Sometimes this boxing…
Read MoreWhat If?
Today’s blog is all about POSSIBILITIES! WHAT IF…. …you simply wake up one day realizing that you had evolved so much your life so far felt like someone else’s story. …you could at that moment of recognition, write the rest of your life from a place of empowerment, a place of conscious decisions, a place…
Read MoreUnity In Diversity
The blue sky stretched out above me as an all encompassing joy. The trees were busy doing whatever trees do in early spring when old leaves lay scattered about in crispy applause for life and new ones are an internal nudge pushing out toward the light of day. Two squirrels were playing tag between the…
Read MoreConsciousness Begins Individually
The other day while cleaning out a drawer in one of the vacant bedrooms, I rediscovered some old photographs I had taken when on a trip to Greece overlooking the Mediterranean. The pictures jogged an old memory of rather concerning thoughts that flooded yet again into my mind. Oh, the area was so beautiful. But,…
Settling down last night after a rather full day, we delightfully discovered a program on TV that made us think, then one that made us laugh. Yet, it took less than five minutes of watching the news before we cut that nonsense off. What was reported to be news actually was sensationalism, exaggerated horror stories…
I did not want to be in the check-out line at the grocery store that afternoon because it was so very crowded. Yet, Easter was the next day and I had family coming to dinner. I attempted to move my cart a few inches to the right, hoping to find more space. Yet, there was…
Have you ever seen an emperor penguin walk? Because of their body configuration, they take short steps, often waddling from side to side in the process. Their head bobs side to side also, moving in rhythm to the cadence of their walk. If humans had to walk this way, we never would get anywhere. Yet,…
The tide was low enough to stretch the beach twice as deep as it had been six hours earlier. The soft breeze fluttered my writing tablet to the point that I used paper clips to hold the pages in place. In spite of the winter weather, I sat facing the ocean with a heavy coat,…
I salute those of you who are courageous enough to follow your soul’s direction even though you have no idea of the details, results, or purpose of your journey. You who intuit from the depths of your hearts that certain choices must be made, do certain things, or live in ways unimaginable to others often…
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