Paddy Fievet, Ph.D.: A Passionate Motivational Author
About Paddy Fievet
Paddy Fievet spent the first fifty years of her life following Southern society’s directives for a conventional life, embracing traditional church-going religion without inquiry just as she had been taught to do, and agreeing with almost everything anyone said in order to keep the peace. Although her connection to God remained strong, after decades of becoming the period at the end of society’s sentence, she was barely surviving. To thrive, she turned to the Divine for direction, ready to give up everything she held near and dear in order to discover innate love, joy, and purpose found within life’s sacred story.

Embracing her intuition as a Divine connection, she was led to travel the world to rediscover her true self on deeper, meaningful levels, eventually earning a Ph.D. in Metaphysics. Through this transformational awakening, she realized that in opposition to ordinary life, true authentic living desires to express itself through each of us as well as all around us, a huge difference embracing the qualities of trust and instinctual faith. She has written three books about her experiences and is currently writing a book of fiction. Always, her poetry comes forth when in nature, for poetry allows the Sacred to dance upon the pages of our hearts.
Paddy loves helping others find joy in discovering their unique sacred self through her writing, interviews, and speaking engagements. She’s happily married and loves toggling between North and South Carolina.